Friday, January 29, 2010

Truth in mirrors

Looking into a mirror
A reflection of fantasy and fiction
Never seeing the truth
Seeing only what your mind lets you
Pictures show the reality you couldn't recognize
What everyone else sees

Choosing to live inside the mirror
Ignorant of the world around you
Living with a lie
It brings a small fleeting happiness

Acting as a brick to your fragile glass
The truth would break you

Song that inspired this blog: 'Fences' - Paramore
"It's obvious that you're dying, dying
Just living proof that the camera's lying."

Side note: There is an actual relevance between the song, lyrics, and my post. =)


  1. Wow this was deep. I especially loved the way you ended this.. I really admire your writing

  2. You are really on a roll with your poems. I am already impressed!
