Saturday, April 3, 2010


She wore bright red lipstick and curled her hair each night. High heels adorned her feet and only the finest silks touched her skin. As she walked the streets each night, men fell - by the dozen - at her mercy.

She didn't need to do much; just a casual glance or the flick of her wrist as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. She was truly and utterly beautiful, agonizingly so. That and the entire male population around here were utter morons.

Exposing inch after inch of skin lead to more and more idiocy. She attracted anyone and everyone; tall men, short men, fat men, skinny men, old men, young men, single men, married men... and some women. There had been a rumor once that she had even lured a clergyman into her web. Clever old witch.

She was a monster, devouring her victims like an animal and casting them off, leaving them in her wake. They were left, mouths and eyes hung open, in a stuporous state; pathetic nothings.

I was smarter. I was stronger. I was much more capable of overcoming this
whore. She was just a woman, afterall. I've seen my fair share of women, everyone of them beautiful in their own way. What was so special with this one? It's not as if I've never seen a pair of breasts before. Whoop-dee-doo.

I'd never allow myself to fall prey to such a vixen. I'd just turn her right around, if she so happens to knock upon my door...

*Knock, knock*

I quirked my eyebrow at my door. 'Speak of the devil...'

I opened the door to see her in front of me. '...And the devil shall appear.'

Before I could open my mouth to speak, she lifted her dainty hand and covered my lips. She looked up at me with her big, brown doe eyes and pouted.

It was almost as if I had never seen her before. She had honey brown hair, with specks of sunlight and gold. Her lips were more full than I'd realized, beggin to be kissed and bitten. Her skin was smooth and caramel, I wanted to run my hands all over and memorize its texture. Looking into her eyes did me in. It felt like I was burning slowly from the inside out. Flames tingled within me in the sweetest and most sinful way possible.

She was absolutely gorgeous and I wanted her. I found myself breathless and enamored.

'Fuck. Me.'

I was screwed. But since I was already going to hell...

Side Note: Special day for me. This is my first male POV. I've had to do a lot of research into the male psyche. I'm not pleased with what I've found.
Also, if you're wondering about the title, it's a play on the actual biblical character 'Jezebel,' for whom I'm basing this blog about. You wanted different, I'm going for scandalous! =)

Song that inspired this blog: 'Wikked Lil Grrrls' - Esthero
"You think you're my one and only, only?
Sophisticated Yoni told me,
'You gots to love livin' while you're living or you won't love life'"


  1. I still read this as a female voice. Maybe it has to do with knowing who the author is. Figuring out how to write with a particular gender voice is a hard thing to do. Were I to suggest something, I might say not to make your narrator so, well, sensitive and passive. An aggressive male (such as I think you want to narrate) would never use the word breathless. Ever.

  2. Haha! I just wanted to make him sound vastly different because of the way he was being affected by another person. Clearly he's not in his right of mind when he starts imagining her as Godzilla...

    Although of course the male mind will continue to baffle me until the end of time.

  3. + 3

    Of course I agree with Damian's critique, but I admire the effort you put into this!
