"Wait for me." He breathed in my ear. I turned around to him with a fool's smile on my face. I leaned forward to kiss him goodbye but he suddenly stepped out of reach and smirked at me.
I watched him walk away.
I waited hours and hours for his return. I stood helpless and alone while turning the ring over in my shaking hands, contemplating.
My feet were like cement. The gravity of his love weighing me down. I was obligated. I needed to - I had to wait.
He was committed to me. Right? I couldn't allow my thoughts to drift in that direction. No. We were getting ready to embark on our new lives together. He wouldn't - he couldn't betray me.
"Wait for me." He breathed in my ear. I blinked, snapping out of my daze, and turned around to face him with tears in my eyes.
I placed the ring gently into his hands, "no," and he watched me walk away.
Song that inspired this blog: I could - Kimberly Locke
"Do you really want to give your life too
Thinking you found true love when it
hasn't found you"
Side Note: This blog was especially inspired by the picture above. I found it online. It says, "I will return to you," her lover said. But over time, the grass beneath her turned to gravel and her flesh turned to granite. And so she waits. The picture depicts a sculpture of a woman laying on the ground. I have no idea whether the sculture inspired the writing or the photographer was inspired to write that inscription but either way, this work of art is pure genius! I had to write this story.
A really nice piece of flash fiction. Why don't you submit it???
This was a fantastic piece. I absolutely loved reading it. Great Job!