Friday, March 19, 2010

To tell you what I couldn't say...

IM's of the soul...

He spoke mournfully to world:
'my soul burns painfully
remorse stomps on my head
stupid stupid, my soul cries
heart beats faster
for adrenaline
all for what?
just to set myself free
when will it be?'

I ignored the voices around me and returned to him:
'wishing for life to be better
if fate has other plans for me
i know i could never hear his voice again,
but if he wishes he could see my words...
i'm sorry. i love you.'


Song that inspired this blog: 'The Meadow Song' - Erica Rae
"i'll take the pain,
i'll stand the pain for you, my dear
if that's the case"

Side Note: The song I quoted wasn't an actual legit studio recording. It was a song written by a girl on youtube that I fell in love with. Youtube it! It's such a relaxing melody...


  1. wonderful! i love your writing .. but one suggestion babe if you dont mind me saying.. i see a common theme going on with your blogs.. i would love to see something out of your realm of comfort .. only because I genuinely believe you are a good writer
    but of course good job

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great poem, but Camille is right. Shake things up a bit.

